First Name is required
Last Name is required
First American Credit Union Member Number is required
Phone Number is required
E-mail is required
Physical Address is required
Mailing Address (if different than above) is required
Write a minimum of 500-word count essay about the topic question: “Describe your community involvement, highlighting your contributions, the skills you developed, and how it relates to your field of study and career goals. is required
Security Code is required
After completing the required online application, additional tasks should be submitted via email to [email protected]. If unable to complete the online application or email tasks, you may alternatively drop off the full application package at any of our branch locations or mail to: Scholarship Selection Committee C/O First American Credit Union PO BOX 10099, AZ 85130. Past applicants and First American CU employees, volunteers and their immediate families are not eligible for consideration. Individuals not meeting the eligibility requirements or incomplete applications will not be considered. First American CU is not responsible for lost or late applications. First American CU reserves the right to disqualify applications who make any misrepresentations on their application or supporting documents. All applications and supporting documents will be kept confidential, and become property of First American CU and will not be returned. Selection will be made without regard to applicant’s race, color, ethnic origin, religious belief, sex, marital status or physical ability. Scholarship winners will be announced on or before May 31, 2025. Due to the number of applicants, only winners will be formally notified. For questions regarding this Scholarship, please call First American Credit Union at (800) 759-9442 or email [email protected]. Federally Insured by NCUA. Equal Housing Opportunity. NLMS# 811468.